Episode 232

Published on:

3rd Mar 2025

The 113 Year Old Rose

This past week the oldest known survivor of the Holocaust died. She was 113 years old.

Jan shares the true story of Rose Girone. Her example of incredible, awe-inspiring fearless living, in the wake of the worst evil mankind can produce, is a gift and inspiration to us all.

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About the Podcast

All That Matters
life stories that connect us to the good stuff
Challenged by the rollercoaster world, at times, out of balance, each of us could use a story that lifts us up by reframing pain, problems, and lack of potential, and leading us to the uplift we deserve. I'm sharing brief yet remarkable stories from my life and that of others that allow us to see things just a little differently, and that can make all the difference. This podcast delivers 8-15 minute shots of affirmation that will go straight to the heart.

If we feel we are hearing "NO" from the universe, we just haven't found the question that gets us to that powerful "YES!"

Join me for life stories that connect us to the good stuff. We could all use more of that!

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